Sailing - Technical Information

Technical Information 

There are lots of resources on the net, which deal with technical information about sailing itself, sailboats, riggs etc.. We thought it may be helpful to filter the best and most useful webpages, describe them and add some comments.

The physics behind it

  1. BulletSailing dynamics - an vectorial approach / Vektorielle Betrachtung der Segeltechnik ( (german)

  2. BulletSome hints for catamaran sailing - (german)

Sailboat construction

  1. BulletThe Development of the Sail Boat / Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Segelbootes (wikipedia) (german)

  2. BulletList of Large Sailboats (wikipedia) (english)

  3. BulletDatabase of different boat types with pics and detailed description ( (german) (english)
    Including brigs, barks, schooner, ketch, yawls, sloop, cutter, zeesen etc.

  4. BulletAlbum with lots of pics of different types of boats (steam, power, sailing boats) ( (german), incl. Barken, Bermuda, Briggs, Barken, Schoner, Yawle, Galeassen, Galioten, Jagten, Ketschen, Klipper, Koggen, Kutter, Plattboden, Slupen, Tjalken, Zeesboote

  5. BulletSailboat Database ( (english)
    List and data of sail boats, search by builder or designer.

  6. BulletBoats & Rigging ( (english)
    Hull types and different types of rigging (incl. description of parts)

The Hull / Der Rumpf

  1. BulletThe building form of a boat / Die Bauweise ( (german) (link to building section)
    One of my favorite, german pages. You will find information on material, hulls, riggs, sails etc.
    Eine der besten Seiten. Informationen ueber verwendete Materialen, Rumpfformen, Bug- und heckformen, Rigg und Segel mit detailierten Grafiken.

  2. BulletRumpfformen ( (german)
    Informationen ueber unterschiedliche Rumpfformen (Verdraenger, Gleiter, Halbgleiter etc.)

Technical Equipment

  1. BulletMotoren und Getriebe mit leichten Fokus auf alte Boote aus DDR-Zeiten ( (german) Weitere Informationen ueber: Harze, Lacke, Instrumente, Beschlaege, Pumpen, Wellen, Propeller.
    Engines and Gears with a focus on boats from the former GDR. Additional information about:
    Paint, epoxy, pumps, shafts, propeller, instruments etc.

  1. BulletGetting a licence & sailing courses

  2. BulletSeamanship / Seemanschaft

  3. BulletNavigation & maps

  4. BulletOrganisations & laws

  5. BulletTechnical information

  6. BulletOther links resources


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