Wind Resources

General Information about wind & weather

Not many sports are more reliant on the weather than windsurfing, kite surfing & sailing. 
We do not need sunshine, but we definitely need some wind !!!

Below we have collected some useful links & radio stations to wind forecast services mainly in Northern Europe.
If you are interested how wind develops and how different 
factors influence the climate you may find the following links useful:

Wind - focused on france (french)
Wind - Wikipedia (english or german)
Klimatologie - Uni Freiburg (german)
Wind / Beaufort-Scale - (german)

Weather Analysis

Surface Weather Analysis - Wikipedia (english)
Interpretation von Wetterkarten - Wikipedia (german) - lots of weather charts (english)
NWA Study Portal - comprehensive resource of the 
National Weather Assoc. (english)
(you need to log-in, but its free)
NWA Guide to operational forecasting research papers  
if you want to study even more (english)

Interpretation of clouds by Jeff Haby (meteorologist) -
weather forecast, clouds & more (english)
Meteoblue (Uni Basel) - cloud types (pics) & general
knowledge about weather (english)
Wolkenmuster & allgemeine Information ueber 
die Entstehung des Wetters (german)
Mountain Weather - Although focused on mountain weather useful 
information incl. cloud formation (english)
Wolkenatlas by Stefan Bauer - very good overview
about clouds (german)

Individual Weather forecasts

KMI -Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
Local weather conditions including wind reports.
KMI Windreports
Regional Page.
Vlaanderen Homepage 
Status reports.
Vlaanderen Wind

 DMI - Danish Meteorological Institute
Homepage - English index.
DMI Homepage
 Forecasts - regionally organized.
DMI Forecasts

 DWD - Deutscher Wetterdienst
Very good and reliable forecast for the eastern part of the North Sea & the Baltic Sea
(coastal area)
 Report on weather conditions on the open sea.
(open sea)
General wind forecast.
 Detailed report on each station.
Report from stations
Detailed forecast for each station (next 3 days)
Forecast for stations
Maps (open sea)

 KNMI- Royal Meteorological Institute of the Netherlands
Windreports and Forecasts
KNMI Windreport

Others - international
Infos on general weather conditions.
Infos on general weather conditions.
 Direct link `Wunstorf-Steinhude´
Very good information service.  
Watersport weather for the most
 important spots in Europe. 
Maps for regional overview.
 Choose the direkt link to go to the sailing section.
Direct link for sailing
Detailed wind info for many European spots. Offers also SMS-service.
One of the best and most reliable wind forecasts on the net. International coverage.

Australia - Bureau of Meteorology
Austria - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik 
Canada - Meteorological Service of Canada
Fidschi Islands - Fiji Meteorological Service
France - Meteo France
Kenia - Kenya Meteorological Department
Maledives - Department of Meteorology
Portugal - Instituto de Meteorologia
Russland - Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology 
and Environment Monitoring
South Korea - Korea Meteorological Administration
Spain - Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia
Switzerland - MeteoSchweiz
Turkey - General Directorat of the National 
Turkish Meteorological Service
UK - Met Office
USA - NOAA - National Weather Service

Radio stations
Jever Seewetterbericht
Very good forecasts for
Northern Germany.
Radio FFN at 8:40 am and in the early afternoon.
Frequency in Hannover
UKW 101,9 Mhz

NDR 1 Seewetterbericht
Very detailed wind info for Northern Europe (North Sea, Baltic Sea) i
ncl. detailed reports from measuring stations and f
orecasts for the next 12/24 hours. Lasts about 20 min (!!).
NDR Radio at 8:30 am and 22:05 pm
Frequency in Northern Europe
MW 702 Khz u. 972 Khz.

Phone Service
Steinhuder Meer (Germany)
Automatic phone voice service for Steinhuder Meer, Level Island Wilhelmstein.
Continuous updates for water level, temperature, wind speed and direction.
Phone No.: 05033-2609
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